Shedding New Light on Jewish Traditions

Trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture

Join the OH Antiracism Task Force for an immersive educational experience on race, racism, and slavery and its legacy.

The Antiracism Task Force has been studying racism and working to undo the effects of anti-black racism in our society. We strive to embody antiracist ideas and advocate for “antiracist policies that lead to racial equity” (Dr. Ibrahim X Kendi). We follow in a tradition in Jewish thought and activism rooted in the Book of Exodus, which has offered inspiration to countless generations of oppressed peoples yearning for liberation, particularly the African American community. As Rabbi Erin teaches us, during the civil rights movement, many Jews were deeply stirred by this common heritage, including Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King and said, “The Exodus began but it is far from having been completed.” This trip is sure to inspire us in our activism to repair racist injustice in our society.

The trip will be Sunday, March 26, 2023, 8:30 AM-approx. 8:00 PM. It is open to adults and children 6th grade and above. The cost is $30 per person for the bus. Please note that the bus does not depart from OH, rather it will leave from and return to the Holiday Inn Express, 432 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Washington. Museum entrance is free. Lunch and snacks on your own. Please see the trip flier by clicking on the file attachment below.

In preparation and as follow-up for the trip, we will be presenting six optional online study modules developed by the Museum, with subsequent online group discussion facilitated by members of the Antiracism Task Force. Those visiting the museum are encouraged to participate, but these sessions are open to all. The learning sessions before the trip will be on Zoom on Mondays 1/30, 2/27, and 3/20, at 7:30 PM. The course titles are JANUARY 30: HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF RACE, FEBRUARY 27: RACE AND RACIAL IDENTITY, MARCH 20: SOCIAL IDENTITIES AND SYSTEMS OF OPPRESSION. Sessions following the visit are entitled WHITENESS, BIAS, and BEING ANTI-RACIST. The dates for the sessions after the museum trip will be announced later this spring. 

For trip registration, please send a check to OH by March 12. For the Zoom registration link for the study sessions, click here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. For more information, contact Alisa Belzer, or 215-880-5642.

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