Shedding New Light on Jewish Traditions

Meet Our Choir Director

Josh McHugh, who grew up at Or Hadash, has been our talented Choir Director since 2014. 

Josh earned a BA of Music in Music Education from Temple University. in his day job, Josh works as Technology Specialist at the School District of Springfield Township. He also works for OH in that capacity for a few hours a month.

"Or Hadash has been my religious home for as long as I can remember, from before we were called Or Hadash. Through the ups, downs, and twists and turns in life, it has always been there for me. The beautiful building matches the wonderful hearts of the people who make our shul what it is. As with everything Or Hadash, the people make the experience worthwhile - I have a group of singers who rise to the bar I set, and have a great time doing it. It makes me proud to lead them."

Contact Josh at