We will be gathering together this Thursday, October 12th at 7:00 PM at Or Hadash to mourn our brothers and sisters in Israel who were murdered in pogrom-like attacks by the terrorists called Hamas. We will also use this opportunity to think about and discuss what activities we wish to undertake on Israel's behalf in the months ahead. Ironically, one of the definitions of the word Hamas is bravery. As though it is an act of bravery to murder in cold blood children and elderly infirm Jews among others and then celebrate what you have done. As scholar Daniel Gordis has said so movingly, so many had hoped that when we Jews had a nation of our own, like billions of others around the world, we would no longer have to fear that there were those that not only wished us harm but would wantonly torture, slaughter and celebrate these despicable actions. Tragically, this has not yet been so. But as we know, in spite of so many attempts to destroy us, our enemies have not succeeded. Thank God, we have proven to be indestructible. Baruch HaShem, may this always be so. I hope to see you on Thursday.
Burt Siegel
Chair, Or Hadash, Israel Committee
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