Shedding New Light on Jewish Traditions

3-Part Harmony Erev Shabbat

June 7, 2024 - 6:00pm

Please join us for our monthly 3-Part Harmony Night! The evening begins with Tot Shabbat with Rabbi Alanna (part 1) at 6:00 pm. It is followed by a dairy/pareve/vegetarian potluck dinner (part 2) at 6:30 pm in the community room. An intergenerational Family Kabbalat Shabbat service (part 3) follows at 7:15 pm. This service will feature musical accompaniment and is hosted by a SMILE school class or features a special celebration. We celebrate the month's birthdays both after dinner and with a birthday cake after services. Please join us for 1, 2, 0r 3 parts and experience the amazing ruach at Or Hadash!