Shedding New Light on Jewish Traditions

Lori Rubin Story

Lori Rubin and Or Hadash

Educational Director (2000-2011)

Program Coordinator (2011-present)


It was an accident. I wasn’t looking for a community. I was looking for a job!  It was August 2000 and Hilary was a newborn. I was searching for the right job – one that would allow me to be the parent I wanted to be. I wanted to be able to take my older two children to pre-school and Kindergarten. I wanted to be able to go on field trips and have play dates in my house. I also wanted to have a job where I could make a difference in the lives of children and their families. So, when I looked in the Jewish Exponent on the fourth day of Hilary’s life, I knew I needed to apply for the position of Educational Director at Or Hadash.


I met with Rabbi Vivian and two members of the Education Committee four days after seeing the advertisement for the job. I remember being asked what I knew about Reconstructionist Judaism and responding, “Very little.”  What I did know was that I could bring to Or Hadash a great deal of experience in supplementary religious schools, camp and youth group experience, and knowledge of the Jewish community at large. What I didn’t know is what Or Hadash could do for me.


It wasn’t very long before my family and I felt like we’d found our home. This wasn’t just my job: this was our community. I got involved with the Reconstructionist movement, and Camp JRF as an extension of my connection with Or Hadash. I helped the families at Or Hadash make connections with each other, and with their Judaism, and I helped take them one step further on their Jewish journey. I tried to instill in everyone I touched at Or Hadash that you can find your Judaism your way – it might be through prayer, through social action, through art or music, or by taking a walk in the woods. My family shares my love for this community each in our own way. 


Today, I am thrilled that I can continue to work at Or Hadash as Program Coordinator. I love planning programs with the great volunteers who make up our subcommittees. I am excited that so many of our programs bridge the gap between the “shul” and the “school.” That is, members of all ages can be together, learn from each other, and enjoy each other. That is what community is all about. That is Or Hadash!